When you join Angelic Reiki Training workshops, you will also experience Esoteric teachings with the Ascended Masters, Galactic Healers and Multidimensional and Past Life healing. 

All classes are held in-person in Colorado. 

Angelic and Esoteric Teachings

✔ A Master Crystal to hold the Angelic Codes of Healing

✔ A comprehensive practitioners manual

✔ Certificate of training achievement to 1st and 2nd Degree Angelic Reiki

No prior experience with Angels or Reiki is required. 

***This Training is Certified from the Angelic Reiki Association 

✔ A complete karma cutting and Angelic clearing prior to each attunement

✔ Full attunement to Angelic Reiki 1st and 2nd Degree levels

✔ The 7 symbols given are activated to Angelic level through the 7 levels of form and Divine form by Archangel Metatron

✔ An attunement to the Angelic Kingdom of Light at the 11th dimension through Archangel Metatron

✔ Hands on healing experience of channelling Angelic healing energy, third eye healing, healing with Ascended Masters and Galactic Healers and Multidimensional and Past Life healing.

✔ Guidance re self-healing, absent/distance healing, treating pregnant women, children and animals

✔ Advice on healing treatment practicalities

✔ Techniques to attune healing tools


Angelic Reiki Levels 1 & 2 imparts the unique system of healing that is Angelic Reiki. Receive the 1st and 2nd Degree Angelic Reiki attunements, gain ‘hands-on’ experience in the healing methodology and learn how to promote healing with the Angels.

Angelic Reiki Practitioner Levels 1&2

Summer 2025
Golden, CO
Friday 1:00p-4:30p and Sat/Sun 10:00am-4:00pm
Cost is $355 
Class is in-person 

Level 1&2 Practitioner


• Cleansing and Clearing meditation
• Gain Personal Connection to Your Angels- Part 3 
• Channeling Angelic Reiki with Others 
• Clearing Energies with Angelic Reiki
• Distant Healing  
• Integrity and Permissions  
• Angelic Ceremony Final Attunement


• Cleansing and Clearing meditation
• Gain Personal Connection to Your Angels- Part 2 
• Setting Energetic Boundaries
• 2nd Attunement 
• Angelic Reiki symbols 
• Channeling Angelic Reiki for self  
• Attuning Healing Tools 
• Third eye healing Method 
• Chakra Healing overview 
• Meditation and Grounding Unity Consciousness

• What is Angelic Reiki
• Cleansing and Clearing meditation
• Gain Personal Connection to Your Angels- Part 1 
• Meet your Personal Healing Angel
• 1st Attunement 
• Grounding Meditation 


Level 1 and 2 Agenda

— Alexandra Chamizo, Spiritual Counselor and Reiki Practitioner

"I wanted to take this class to go deeper into my energy healing and work with the Angels for guidance. This class did just that, it magnified my practice and allowed me to be with my guides more. The best change from the class was stepping back and allowing the Angels to do the work."

— Abelardo Gonzales, Director of Product Marketing

"The aspect that I found significant in this class is the power of the individual Ascended Masters and Galactic healers I also found the speed and power of Angelic Reiki transformative. Ive come to learn you can bring light to yourself, your community, and the world."

— Helen Klagstad

"The entire workshop was very expensive and colorful. I loved every second of it. The interactions with the other participants was amazing. With Angelic Reiki my visual claires came out. I had no expectations just a deep knowing it was right for me to take this class. This workshop was a completely transformative experience, I recommend it to anyone seeker deeper meaning to life."


what people are saying

✔ Level 3 & 4 Angel Attunements
✔ Cosmic Ray Meditation
✔ Advanced Healing Practices
✔ Prepared to Facilitate Angelic Reiki 1 & 2
✔ Receive Certificate of training achievement to 2nd and 3rd Degree and Angelic Reiki and meet teaching requirements  

* Angelic Reiki 1&2 is a pre-requirement  


Angelic Reiki Levels 3&4 is the Reiki Master Level Workshop and teacher path. 

Level 3&4 workshop is available to those holding an Angelic Reiki Level 1&2 certificate and who are ready to progress to the next stage, either for personal development and/or to teach Angelic Reiki. 

(Note* you do not need to take The Metatron Methods first)

Angelic Reiki Master And Teacher Training Levels 3&4

Levels 3&4
August 2-4, 2024 10am-4:30pm
Golden, CO
Cost $555.00 

Day 3

• Cleansing and Clearing meditation
• Train the Trainer on how to teach Angelic Reiki workshops and to facilitate Angelic Reiki attunements
• Practice Sessions 
• Master Teacher material  
• Certificate of Training achievement to 3rd and 4th Degree Angelic Reiki

Day 2

• Cleansing and Clearing meditation
• Attune to the 13 symbols which are a gateway to multidimensional healing
• Activate to Angelic level through the 7 levels of form and Divine form by Archangel Metatron
• Full attunements to Angelic Reiki 3rd and 4th Degree levels
• Gifts of higher knowledge given by the Sarim, the Princes of the Angelic Kingdom
• Practice Sessions

• Cleansing and Clearing meditation
• Overview of Healing Protocols 
• Healing through eye contact as used in Atlantis
• Healing with Soul Group energies
• Healing with energies of the Divine • Presence and Divine Blessing
• Practice Sessions

Day 1

Level 3 and 4 Agenda

✔ Experience Michael Karma cutting
✔ Etheric Body Healing
✔ Sacred Geometry
✔ Merkabah Attunement 
✔ Seven Rays Mediation

Receive Certificate of training achievement in the Metatron Methods
(dates TBD)

In this class you will experience:

Discover the principles of The Angelic Kingdom of Light, the sacred esoteric wisdom in which Angelic Reiki is based upon as well. Develop new healing methods, tools and understanding of your work with the Angelic Kingdom of Light. 

Angelic Reiki Advanced Workshop–The Metatron Methods

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root cause health solutions, metaphysical trainings & spiritual business coaching by cyndi Stewart