Has Kinesiology been an interest for you?

Have you been ready to take your healing practice accuracy to the next level?

Are you seeking clarity on your clients' underlying challenges?

Do you want to better support your healing journey and your family?

Are you drawn to become a Practitioner of the Spiritual & Healing Arts? 

Kinesiology courses & certification

Become A Kinesiologist With Accredited Emotions & Metaphysical Kinesiology Training 

  • Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology™ Practitioner Certification is an independent, Trademarked and Copyright to "By The Bay Kinesiology"
  • By studying this modality of Kinesiology you’ll learn to tap into the emotions and metaphysical connections in the Mind, Heart, Body & Soul
  • Kinesiology training is a transformative, healing journey on a personal level as well as a professional level 
  • This detailed training is hands-on and includes accompanying material and manuals to have a successful practice
  • Be part of a community that supports each other and one's own growth

Learn a proven system that is like no other

Kinesiology certification

 This class is the prerequisite for all the Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology™ classes

3. Sign up for the Kineasy Intro Course

After attending or watching the info session recording, you can set up a call to ask your specific questions. 

1. Attend an Info Session 

Join a 30 min info session. Learn about the Intro to Kinesiology class, receive an overview of the Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology Training and have your questions answered.

Monday, April 7, 2025
530p mst/730p est


Take The Next Steps

If you are ready to start this life changing path... 

how to become a qualified kinesiologist


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  • This class is an Introduction to Kinesiology and muscle reflex testing
  • Anyone can learn this healing arts technique. **For those who are trained in other muscle testing techniques and still not confident in their testing abilities, this class is for you!
  • This class is engaging and full of hands-on training with lots of practice. Feel at ease knowing you will understand how to perform muscle testing accurately
  • Experience a unique way to test for emotions held in the body
  • Get to the root causes for self and others
  • Learn self-testing and tap into your body’s needs
  • Learn many different metaphysical and natural remedies to clear blocked energies and get the body back in balance
  • Leave feeling confident and supported with Kinesiology abilities
  • Investment $500 and includes the training manual.

Golden, CO


  • Take an in-depth look and understanding of Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM) Five Elements (Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood)
  • Learn the Laws of the Five Elements including Cycles, Relationships and Interactions of the Five Elements
  • Gain a true understanding of Elements in the surrounding universe, the body within you, your mind and thoughts,
  • Learn acupressure points plus many natural remedies to shift energy around the Five Elements to gain optimal balance in the body
  • Learn element constitutional profiling and what your elements means in your life!
  • Pre-requisite: Kineasy Intro Course 
  • Investment $500 includes the training manual 


  • This class provides deep knowledge of Meridians, including their function and relationship with the organs, emotional attributes, physical relevance and metaphors.
  • You will feel Chi move through your fingers as you learn many different ways to work with acupressure points on the body. 
  • Learn the 14 meridian lines in the body – Central, Governing, Stomach, Spleen, Heart, Small Intestine, Bladder, Kidney, Pericardium, Triple Warmer, Gall Bladder, Liver, Lung, Large Intestine
  • The additional eight extraordinary meridians form a significant part of experiencing Chi
  • Pre-requisite: Mastery of the Five Elements Core Essence and Character course
  • Investment $1049.00 includes the training manual


chakra healing kinesiology

August 23-24, 2025

  • Delve into the understanding and the functions, energies, and purpose of each of the 7 major chakras
  • Learn each Chakras location, color, element, identity, primary issue, purpose, rights, shadow, sense, body, development, sound, astrology, archetypes and planets 
  • Provides in-depth physical, emotional and spiritual properties of the entire chakra energy system, including the minor chakras
  • Learn the type of chakras energy imbalance – over-active or under-active and how to balance
  • Pre-requisite: Kineasy Intro Course or equivalent. Confident muscle testing, circuit locating and circuit retaining mode with stacking is required.
  • Investment $500 includes the training manual 


transpersonal chakra kinesiology

September 20-21, 2025 

  • Explore the six Transpersonal Chakras – Earth Star, Causal, Soul Star, Stellar Gateway, Universal and Divine Gateway
  • Learn the qualities and emotions, location, chakra mode testing position, color, energy, prana, aura, purpose, embrace, spiritual lesson, activation and connection of the 6 Transpersonal Chakras 
  • Connect you to the deepest roots and core of the Earth, your genetics, DNA and ancestry line through your Soul energy, blueprint, universal connection and the highest Divine source
  • This class is a Soul retrieval that enlightens your path 
  • Pre-requisite: Chakra Healing Kinesiology course.
  • Investment $550 includes the training manual 


aura balancing kinesiology

October 11-12, 2025 

  • Learn about the Lighbody and 7 aura layers – Etheric Body, Emotional Body, Mental Body, Astral Body, Etheric Template, Celestial Body and Ketheric Template
  • The qualities and emotions, location, aura span, aura testing position, color and described as, aura appearance, related chakra, expression of consciousness, statement of consciousness, purpose, connection, yin or yang, prominent aura development ages, element, sound and attributes 
  • You will discover the Aura colors, shapes and symbols 
  • Learn to work with identifying and clearing negative energy fields and attachments 
  • Learn powerful remedies such as, Orgonite, Sacred geometry, Aura-Soma, EMF’s, Feng Shui + more. 
  • Pre-requisite: Chakra Healing Kinesiology course
  • Investment $550 includes the training manual 


—  Cyndi P Stewart, PhD

this comprehensive kinesiology training is perfect for those who are enchanted by the metaphysical journey.

I've been to many Kinesiologists throughout my healing journey and was always intrigued by the process. When I made my shift into a full-time practitioner of the spiritual and healing arts, I knew Kinesiology was going to be one of the powerful modalities.

I started taking Kinesiology workshops and then became a certified Biochemical Kinesiologist. Being a seeker, I still wanted to learn more but didn't know of a course like this one. I stumbled upon this course while searching on the internet for spiritual kinesiology and chakra kinesiology.

 The Intro class was starting in 2 days, so I trusted my intuition and signed up. After the first class I quickly knew this was exactly what I was searching for. I'm so thrilled I took this path. My clients are getting amazing results, the modality is easy to learn and ties together all the others remedies I've been using. I loved the teachings. 

If you are a coach, health and wellness practitioner, lightwork, energy healer. bodyworker, or anyone looking for a new career in the spiritual and healing arts and kinesiology, this training will give you what you are seeking and much more. 
If you would like to experience it yourself first, you can arrange a 1:1 Emotional Kinesiology session with me first. 

Cyndi Stewart, Phd

This Kinesiology course is life changing...

— Maura H 

Cyndi has been my teacher for so many modalities in the healing arts. She has the most exquisite way of teaching spiritual information in the most grounded way.

Her pure heart, compassion and integrity allows her to create such a beautiful space for healing and transformation!

—  Melinda A

Cyndi is a powerhouse when it comes to helping you with your healing and transformation. She brings her amazing intuition, heart, experience, expertise and many amazing tools to the table. I was blown away by what we accomplished in a session. I look forward to continuing my journey working with her. I'm blessed and grateful for Cyndi.

— Leah S

I feel more balanced , grounded and clear after my session with Cyndi . I also feel lighter, brighter and much more centered into my true self. I highly recommend working with Cyndi.

— Lindy C

The session today was powerfully healing for me. My entire mind, body and spirit were balanced and cleared. The pressure in my temple/head disappeard. It was done with ease and I felt expanded, light, free from obstacles i had when i started. My organs became so happy. Thank you for this amazing experience.



hop on a call!

You can contact me here to ask any questions and get more info, or sign up below for a complimentary discovery call!  No strings attached.

Ready to get started?

Dr. Cyndi P. Stewart, PhD is a Holistic Health, bioenergetic, and metaphysical practitioner helping women heal and thrive through energy healing, nutrition, and spiritual coaching.

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Cyndi P. Stewart, PhD

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