Learn the foundations of Kinesiology and be part of a group of like-minded souls.
See the body through a new lens and learn more about the mind, body, and soul connection by tapping into the subconscious mind.
With this Kineasy Intro Course, you’ll learn to shift old patterns, stress, and emotional blocks and come away feeling energized, loved, nurtured and at peace within yourself.
9am - 5:30pm MST
March 1-2, 2025
Lakewood, Colorado
For Heaven’s Sake: 2680 Youngfield Street
This unique course is conducted in a hands-on supportive group environment, instructed in a simple and easy way to understand kinesiology setup and muscle reflex testing.
By the end of this course, you will be able to confidently, comfortably, and accurately muscle test on another person.
You will facilitate your first mini kinesiology balance with lots of metaphysical and natural healing remedies.
Introduction To Kinesiology class is open for all levels.
In this Kinesiology Introductory Course ‘Kineasy’, you’ll learn the art, science and metaphysics of Kinesiology and muscle reflex testing to use on yourself, friends, family, clients or to perhaps one day become a Kinesiologist!
"learn an exciting bio-feedback process "
save my seat!
bring the body, mind, and soul into balance
Learn how to release the symptoms through natural healing remedies
Muscle reflex test for involvement of self, others, circumstance, spirit & suppression
A simple and effective way to address stressors held in the body
Learn pre-checks
An easy way to circuit locate all the root causes
Learn accurate indicator muscle reflex testing – standing & lying down
What is Kinesiology and how to accurately conduct muscle reflex testing
I'm ready for this!
• Know how to accurately perform Kinesiology, i.e. muscle test
• Be able to muscle reflex standing up, sitting & lying down
• Understand how to circuit locate
• Gain confidence in Kinesiology and be able to effectively address physical symptoms and emotional stressors held in the body
• Perform all the pre-checks tests and apply their remedies
• Muscle reflex test for involvement of self, others, circumstance, spirit, and suppression
• Learn how to release the symptoms through natural healing remedies, including their metaphysical properties
• How to use natural healing remedies in kinesiology balances including their metaphysical energy. You will learn: crystal healing, color therapy, sound healing, aromatherapy, flower essences, emotional stress release, age regression, clearing sprays and smoke, affirmations, healing cards, and so much more.
• Learn Kinesiology self testing and asking questions
• Complete a balancing session on your own
By the end of this class you will
Kinesiology is a natural therapy which relies on effective muscle reflex testing or monitoring with the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine to assess energy and body function throughout the entire mind and body system.
Bio-feedback mechanism supplies information via the nerve pathways and meridian systems of the brain and body, known as our subconscious.
Our subconscious holds our memories, beliefs, life’s stories, and information about our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual being.
Kinesiology uses a wide range of non-invasive, simple, and powerful techniques to access information quickly
This information is held by our subconscious to identify and locate energy blockages, stresses, and imbalances within our physical and metaphysical being.
Based on Chinese medicine principles
A non-invasive, simple, and powerful technique
Class Feedback
The training was a great environment, welcoming, beautiful, and enjoyable. I loved how the stories inside of us come together through muscle testing and there are many options for remedies. I absolutely love this course and looking forward to practicing and getting better.
Leah S., Denver
Cyndi’s way of teaching is easy to understand and makes you feel comfortable. The class is beautiful, wonderful, interactive and hands on. I love how we learn and get to practice throughout the two days. This training has been amazing to learn and far exceeds what I expected.
Joy K., Denver
Cyndi Stewart, Phd
Uncover what holds the body back from healing and moving forward...
“Get clarity through the body's subconscious, get to the root of unresolved physical and emotional issues, and learn a powerful, easy method to clear them!”
Cyndi Stewart
Uncover what holds the body back from healing and moving forward...
“Get clarity through the bodies subconscious, get to the root of unresolved physical and emotional issues, and learn a powerful and easy way to clear them clear them!”
This class is limited to 8 participants
Logistics and investment
$500 $450
More about cyndi
Cyndi is trained in Bio-chemical Kinesiology and a Certified Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology Practitioner. She works with clients on their unresolved health challenges to get to the root causes of their physical health and nutritional health through Kinesiology. Not only does Kinesiology identify the Root Causes, it also brings the body back into balance with Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology.
This program is originally from Australia created by “By the Bay Kinesiology”.
Cyndi Stewart, PHD
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root cause health solutions, metaphysical trainings, & spiritual business coaching by cyndi Stewart