This class covers everything you need to know about the energy channels called the meridians and the acupressure points along the meridian lines. Our meridians are connected to all our vital organs, when we experience pain, stress or dis-ease, the Chi or energy of our organs and meridians has interferences.
9am - 5:00pm MST
june 20-23, 2025
Golden, Colorado
This class provides deep knowledge of meridians, including their function and relationship with the organs, emotional attributes, physical relevance, and metaphors.
Learn the 14 meridian lines in the body – Central, Governing, Stomach, Spleen, Heart, Small Intestine, Bladder, Kidney, Pericardium, Triple Warmer, Gall Bladder, Liver, Lung, Large Intestine, and "eight extraordinary meridians"
Pre-requisite: Mastery of the Five Elements Core Essence and Character course
Learn the 14 meridian lines in the body
You will feel Chi move through your fingers as you learn many different ways to work with acupressure points on the body
"tap into the subconscious mind and locate the imbalances in the meridians"
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Learn the Emotional and Physical indications of an imbalanced and balanced meridian
shift energy Through emotional attributes, physical relevance and metaphors
Learn the Meridians function and relationship with the organs
understand the ‘Eight Extraordinary Meridians’ and how they support the Meridian system
Learn the Locations of the 14 meridian lines in the body
deep knowledge of meridians, including their function and relationship with the organs
I'm ready for this!
• The locations of the 14 meridian lines in the body – Central, Governing, Stomach, Spleen, Heart, Small Intestine, Bladder, Kidney, Pericardium, Triple Warmer, Gall Bladder, Liver, Lung, Large Intestine
• For each meridian, know the related organs, organ energy, element, peak hours of the day, paired organ, color, physical branches, attributes, and the function of each meridian in detail
• Understand the emotional and physical indications of an imbalanced and balanced meridian
• How to accurately test and identify when a meridian is out of balance using muscle reflex testing and alarm points
• Be taught the Acupressure points in meaningful, practical ways with effective strategies to use during treatments to provide deep healing and transformation.
• Know the language and beauty of the ‘Eight Extraordinary Meridians’. These meridians are a healing system within themselves ie Yuan Source Points, Luo Connecting Points, Jing Well Points, Accumulation Points, Association Points, Tonification Points, Sedation Points, Influential Points, and Master Points
• Balance the meridians with remedies and practical application for: Meridian lines; Acupressure points; Essential Oils; Crystals; Color; Sound; Flower Essences; Nutrition; Affirmations; Activities/Spiritual Practices; Shamanic Healing Tools; Emotional Stress Release (ESR); Oracle/Healing Cards; Nature’s Healing Chi; Moxibustion; Elephant Warmer, and Tiger Warmer; Plus more!
By the end of this class you will
Cyndi Stewart
Uncover what holds the body back from healing and moving forward...
“Get clarity through the bodies subconscious, get to the root of unresolved physical and emotional issues, and learn a powerful and easy way to clear them clear them!”
full payment
This class is limited to 8 participants
Logistics and investment
visit about me page
Cyndi is trained in Bio-chemical Kinesiology and a Certified Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology Practitioner. Cyndi works with clients on their unresolved health challenges to get to the root causes of their physical health and nutritional health through Kinesiology. Not only does Kinesiology identify the Root Causes, it also brings the body back into balance with Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology.
2023 was the first time this unique training is being offered in the US. The program is from Australia created by “By the Bay Kinesiology”
Dr. Cyndi P. Stewart, PhD is a Holistic Health, bioenergetic, and metaphysical practitioner helping women heal and thrive through energy healing, nutrition, and spiritual coaching.
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Cyndi P. Stewart, PhD
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