Chakras are energy centers that hold emotions, thoughts, memories and beliefs which can have an impact on our sense of wellbeing. Take a short self-assessment and find out which of your Chakras could use a little balancing.

After taking the assessment, you'll receive your results and the Chakra Food Mood Self-Assessment Guide.

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The summary below provides an overview of each chakra, how to balance the chakra, common food-mood patterns, and foods to support healing the chakra. 

Once you take the assessment, the results will be in your inbox. You can review the summary below against your results. The higher scores per Chakra in your assessment would be the areas you would want to focus on first for clarity and insight into yourself and your food-mood patterns. 

If you have any further questions about the assessment, feel free to contact me.

Chakra means "wheel of light”; they are energy centers in the body. Chakra is a word in Sanskrit, which is one of the oldest known Indic languages. There are seven main chakras vertically located along the spine, from the base of the spine up to the crown of the head. The seven main chakras are the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown. These energy centers also hold emotions, thoughts, memories, and beliefs, which can have an impact on our sense of wellbeing. 

The Chakra food mood self-assessment is designed to provide insight on an imbalance in regards to your food and mood behaviors and patterns in the Chakras. Although, this assessment is primarily focused on food and mood, it may also provide insight into others areas of your life as well.

What are Chakras?

• Introduction to the Assessment & Nutritional Alchemy
• 5 videos
1. Understanding Chakra Assessment Results & Imbalances
2. Chakra Overview and Defined 
3. Nutritional Alchemy: Body, Mind, Heart and Soul
4. 8 Nutritional Alchemy Foundations
5. Key Focuses and Moving Forward 
• Accompanying workbook with Journal writing prompts
• Bonus: Meditation for your Healing Journey 

Mini Course Overview

Preview Mini Course

If you’d like to dig deeper in your assessment results, this mini course is perfect. You will learn about each chakra in detail, how they relate to food-moods, and the 8 foundations to Nutritional Alchemy.

The mini course includes a 34-page workbook, four accompanying mini-lesson videos, and a bonus meditation

 50% of $59.99, now $29.99.

Chakra Food Mood Mini Course

Focus on soul /spiritual connection, feeling blissful and light such as one and vegetable broths and seeds for protein (flax, hemp, sunflower, pumpkin, chia). Here you want to impact your toxic load through eliminating fast food, processed foods, pesticides, chemicals and GMOs. In addition to limiting environmental toxins, also focus on cleansing your thoughts and habits to be in line with your purpose.

Foods for your Chakras.

Eating when feeling hopelessness, no direction in life, searching for greater meaning in life or fearful of potential success. You may also see patterns of living an unhealthy life (food choices/lack of exercise) due to focusing solely on your work or spiritual development or you may tend to detox a lot.

Common food – mood patterns.

The crown chakra is your higher self, life purpose and enlightenment. It’s also about moving from conceptual thinking to knowing everything is exactly the way it’s supposed to be. If the crown chakra is imbalanced, you may be making ego-based choices and feel overly fearful and anxious. To Balance. Practice gratitude, prayer, silence and doing anything that brings you joy.

Crown Chakra

Focus on food for imagination, vision, memory and thoughts such as berries, blueberries, purple kale and cabbage, cocoa, caffeine (if adrenals are healthy) and mind boosting support such as turmeric, resveratrol and frankincense.

Foods for your Chakras.

You may overeat to give yourself comfort through the uncertainty of change and/or to avoid trusting yourself. You may turn to food or alcohol to relax when something is new or unfamiliar for you. Also, you may get cravings, particularly chocolate, if you ignore your intuition, imagination or dreams.

Common food – mood patterns.

The third eye chakra is your imagination, intuition, and ability to see all possibilities. It’s also about being flexible and open to different perceptions. If the third eye chakra is imbalanced, you may be extremely rational and have a rigid thinking pattern. To Balance. Learn to calm the mind to access deeper gifts through meditation, reflection and paying attention to your dreams.

Third Eye Chakra

Incorporate into your diet fresh foods and foods that are easy to swallow such as; juices, herbal teas, coconut water, soups and smoothies as you want to keep your communication pathways open and make sure to fully chew your food.

Foods for your Chakras.

Eating quickly, turning to food from feeling trapped in your situation or when your life isn’t going as expected. It also can show up as a pattern of overeating when you aren’t hungry.

Common food – mood patterns.

The throat chakra is your communication and voice. It’s about being authentic and speaking your truth with honesty and integrity. If the throat chakra is imbalanced, you may struggle to listen to others or yourself. You also may suppress your voice because you don’t want to offend anyone, or the opposite, you interrupt others. To Balance. Get involved with groups or individuals who have similar interests.

Throat Chakra

Focus on eating warm home cooked meals, think meals made with love and include nutritious foods such as leafy greens, broccoli, seaweed, avocado, peas, spirulina and green tea.

Foods for your Chakras.

You may tend to view food as your main enjoyment to fill a void of passion, motivation or joy in life. You also may eat to suppress emotions of grief including grief from a job or relationship. It can also show up as focusing more on other people’s issues/problems versus eating healthy and taking care of yourself.

Common food – mood patterns.

The heart chakra is our ability to express our needs, have compassion and forgive ourselves. It’s also about letting go of being critical and loving yourself. If the heart chakra is imbalanced, you may not be able to move past being hurt, blame, grief, and resentment. To Balance. Do something that makes you happy, or spend time with people/animals/things your love. Also consider reading a great book, watching a movie you love, getting a massage or give hugs.

Heart Chakra

Select foods to feel connected yourself. Focus on a diet of vegetables, healthy fats, proteins, fermented foods and low glycemic sweeteners such as stevia or raw honey. Watch your grain consumption, as they may trigger cravings. If you digestion can tolerate grains, choose quinoa, beans, pea protein, spaghetti squash and sprouted grains.

Foods for your Chakras.

You may have strong cravings, particularly for sugar and processed carbohydrates such as cake, cookies etc. You tend to eat to get relief from feeling over stressed or over worked and when angry or upset. Also, your weight may fluctuate or you tend towards being overweight.

Common food – mood patterns.

The solar plexus is your sense of self; self-respect, self-worth, self-honor and self-confidence. It also represents your power, ability to take action and how you deal with the outcomes of your expectations. If the solar plexus is imbalanced you may lack of confidence, seek approval from others to feel worthy, and an inability to trust the process of life. To Balance. Write goals with steps to achieve, focus on your direction in life, passion or hobby and study a topic you are interested in.

Solar Plexus Chakra

Include into your diet foods that are naturally sweet and sensual such as mango's, carrots, dried apricots, and sweet potato. Focus on foods from water, such as salmon and seafood and tropical fats such as coconut. Also include other healthy fats such as red palm oil and olive oil. Make sure you are hydrated.

Foods for your Chakras.

You may turn to food for relief if you’re pissed off at someone or something or if you have a fear of success or a fear of not being successful. Also, you may use food to ease feelings of anything related to money or feeling dependent on someone or something.

Common food – mood patterns.

The sacral chakra is our sense of self expression, ability to create and birth new ideas. It also has a connection to intimate relationships and abundance in life. If the sacral is imbalanced, you may not be fully expressing yourself and your creativity. In addition, you may not be open to change. To Balance. Nurture yourself and allow time for movement such as walking, yoga, dancing or swimming.

Sacral Chakra

Food is your foundation or grounding. A balanced diet to include protein and fibrous whole grains (test if you have leaky gut) such as root vegetables, apples, strawberries, oatmeal, beets, tomatoes artichokes and potatoes.

Foods for your Chakras.

Overeating, especially when you feel you have lots of responsibility and looking for relief from your responsibilities. Also, you may tend to use food to give you a sense of protection and/or a sense of grounding. Eating may also alleviate a fear of not feeling safe and secure.

Common food – mood patterns.

The root chakra is your sense of stability, safety and grounding. It also has a connection to your ancestry, sense of belonging and your identity with your family beliefs. If the root chakra is imbalanced, you don't feel connected to a community or the universe. This wont not feel safe and you may feel fearful. To Balance. Get on a regular schedule or routine, as well as, honor your body with nourishing foods, water, breath and connection to earth.

Root Chakra

Next Chakra

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The Root Chakra provides a sense of stability, safety, and grounding.

Root Chakra

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The Heart Chakra is our sense fo self-expression, ability to create and birth new ideas.

Sacral Chakra

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The Solar Plexus Chakra is our sense of self; self-esteem, self-worth, and self-confidence.

Solar Plexus Chakra

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The Throat Chakra is our ability to express our needs, have compassion, and forgive ourselves.


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The Third Eye Chakra is our imagination, intuition, and ability to see all possibilities.

Third Eye Chakra

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The Heart Chakra is our communication and voice. 

Heart Chakra

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The Crown Chakra is our higher self, life purpose, and enlightenment.

Crown Chakra

Chakras Defined

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root cause health solutions, metaphysical trainings, & spiritual business coaching by cyndi Stewart