SPIRITUAL & METAPHYSICAL Classes for all levels 

Expand Your Metaphysical and Healing Journey with Classes, workshops and Trainings

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  • Investment $500. Save $50 if pay by August 1, 2024  
  • This class is an Introduction to Kinesiology and muscle reflex testing
  • Anyone can learn this healing arts technique. **For those who are trained in other muscle testing techniques and still not confident in their testing abilities, this class is for you! 
  • This class is engaging and full of hands-on training with lots of practice. Feel at ease knowing you will understand how to perform muscle testing accurately
  • Experience a unique way to test for emotions held in the body
  • Get to the root causes for self and others
  • Learn self-testing and tap into your body’s needs
  • Learn many different metaphysical and natural remedies to clear blocked energies and get the body back in balance
  • Leave feeling confident and supported with Kinesiology abilities 
Note*** This class is a pre-req to the other classes

August 15-16, 2024
9am-5:30pm mst
symmetry colective
wheatridge, CO


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  • Investment $500.00 
  • Pre-requisite: Kineasy Intro Course or equivalent. Confident muscle testing, circuit locating and circuit retaining mode with stacking is required.
Delve into the understanding and the functions, energies, and purpose of each of the 7 major chakras. Learn each Chakras location, color, element, identity, primary issue, purpose, rights, shadow, sense, body, development, sound, astrology, archetypes and planets. Provides in-depth physical, emotional and spiritual properties of the entire chakra energy system, including the minor chakras
Learn the type of chakras energy imbalance – over-active or under-active and how to balance

augiust 17-18, 2024
9am-5:30pm mst
symmetry collective
wheatridge, CO

CHakra healing KINESIOLOGY

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  • Investment $550.00 
  • Pre-requisite: Chakra Healing
Explore the six Transpersonal Chakras – Earth Star, Causal, Soul Star, Stellar Gateway, Universal and Divine Gateway
Learn the qualities and emotions, location, chakra mode testing position, color, energy, prana, aura, purpose, embrace, spiritual lesson, activation and connection of the 6 Transpersonal Chakras
Connect you to the deepest roots and core of the Earth, your genetics, DNA and ancestry line through your Soul energy, blueprint, universal connection and the highest Divine source. This class is a Soul retrieval that enlightens your path 

October 5-6, 2024
9am-5:30pm mst
Golden, CO


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• Investment $1099.00, payments starting at $366.00
• This class is a hands-on comprehensive lab for Lightworkers, Energy Healers, Intuitives, Coaches and Mystics who have completed a Level 1 Training.
• Learn to open and access the Akashic Records for others - including businesses organizations and pets- to expand your clarity, insight and guidance and give accurate and effective readings
• Discover how you can incorporate your existing trainings and gifts in new ways using our Level 2 Core Practice, develop confidence in your ability to receive information for others
• Work with the Akashic energy and the Akashic Light Grid© to release the old patterns, karma, vows, and past-life traumas of your clients
• Increase your capacity to move through obstacles with greater ease and grace

October 11-13, 2024

Level 2: Akashic Light Grid Training

Register Here

  • Investment $550.00 
  • Pre-requisite: Transpersonal Chakra Healing
Learn about the Lighbody and 7 aura layers – Etheric Body, Emotional Body, Mental Body, Astral Body, Etheric Template, Celestial Body and Ketheric Template
The qualities and emotions, location, aura span, aura testing position, color and described as, aura appearance, related chakra, expression of consciousness, statement of consciousness, purpose, connection, yin or yang, prominent aura development ages, element, sound and attributes. You will discover the Aura colors, shapes and symbols. Learn to work with identifying and clearing negative energy fields and attachments. Learn powerful remedies such as, Orgonite, Sacred geometry, Aura-Soma, EMF’s, Feng Shui + more.

October 19-20 or November 9-10, 2024
9am-5:30pm mst
Golden, CO

Aura Balanacing KINESIOLOGY



- Cyndi P Stewart, PHD

The more we discover who we are, the more we understand our health challenges, life purpose and soul assignment!

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root cause health solutions, metaphysical trainings & spiritual business coaching by cyndi Stewart