Food Sensitivities Body, Mind, and Soul Infographic & Guide

Struggling with Food Sensitivities? The Healing Journey involves a Body, Mind, and Soulful level! Download a copy of the Food Sensitives Infographic and Solutions Guide, also this article will support your journey.

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In the World of Quantum Physics, Arjun Walia explains that atoms are made out of invisible energy. That means that humans, who are built of atoms, are therefore, also made of energy. In fact, each of us radiates our own unique energy signature. (Nothing Is Solid & Everything Is Energy)

This concept is standard in quantum physics, which also states that there is a connection between information, subtle energy, and human consciousness. 

This has led to the creation of practical Energy Technology Tools to improve our lives.

Electronic frequencies influences microcurrent communication with cells, using the “language” of frequencies. The application counteracts the extracellular hyperacidity and increases natural cell membrane tension and restores health.

What is
Energy Technology?

Energy Technology

Our bodies are made up of energy called the human biofield. The book Energy Medicine Technologies explains that we are electromagnetic beings made up of vibrations and are therefore sensitive to energy fields and environmental influences that affect our electromagnetic system.

The Rife is an electromedical machine, similar to an EKG or MRI, which uses energy frequencies to stimulate and normalize the body’s cells and tissues. This type of frequency therapy stimulates the body so as to make the flow of ions more efficient (Eversole, 2013). The Rife can reduce medical costs, visits, and stress. Experienced users recover from most problems without ever having to risk the harmful side effects of prescription drugs. Some of the many conditions the Rife supports are chronic fatigue, yeast, mold, parasites, digestive issues, adrenals, mind, and moods.

Sessions with the Rife are offered in-person.


Healy is a new breakthrough in Energy Technology. It’s an affordable and convenient way to restore health on a mind, body and soul level .

Healy is a microcurrent medical device that has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for relief of acute, chronic, and arthritis pain and muscle soreness due to overexertion. Healy also has non-medical applications that use individualized frequencies to help balance your mind and body and relieve stress. 
Healy is also great for symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, stomach distress, EMF protection, mental/mind support, fitness goals, skin elasticity, chakra & auras balancing and much more.

Sessions with the Healy are offered in-person and remotely. Healy is also available to purchase. Training video.


The CGAM Body Charger uses static electricity from negative ions to charge the body. Negative ions serve the human body by strengthening the functions of autonomic nerves and improving the permeability of the cell's prototype plasma membranes. Among other things, this means boosting your metabolism. Chronic symptoms or a decline in health can spawn low-voltage cells, which further contribute to an imbalanced body. You can create new, healthy cells through nutrition, removing toxins, and increasing voltage. The body charger supports the full body system by detoxifying the liver and lymph, increasing energy, and decreasing inflammation.

Sessions with the Body Charger are offered in-person.

CGAM Body Charger

LLLT is a low intense light therapy commonly used to improve wound healing and reduce pain, swelling and inflammation. It uses phototherapy, often from a red or near-infrared laser such as (LED). LLLT laser uses light to trigger biochemical changes within the cells, and it triggers chemical changes. Importantly, research studies have shown therapeutic efficacy for a wide range conditions in humans without any adverse side-effects. (Schiffer et al., 2009).

LLLT is a viable treatment for neurological conditions, including unexplainable brain fog and vertigo. For brain fog, studies found that LLLT could reverse memory degradation and induce improved cognitive performance (Michalikova et al., 2008). Additionally, a study was conducted using low-level laser therapy with Ménière's disease and the number and duration of dizzy spells were significantly reduced.

Sessions with the LLLT are offered in-person

Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)

Energy Devices

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The Evolution of Wellbeing and Nutrition AlchemyToday, health is defined by proactivity taking responsibility for how we feel and the absence of disease. Wellbeing involves what you’re eating, restoring nutritional deficiencies, how you’re digest, movement, stress reduction, energy and overall, how you’re living.

It’s important to be prepared for anything and ensure you and your family are well-stocked with high quality nutrients to support wellbeing. I use Metagenics, because their supplement are high quality with a targeted approach to address symptoms and defining what it means to be healthy to support wellness goals.

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To learn about my approach using the techniques I created and used to heal myself, which includes Nutritional Alchemy, Energy Technology, and creating Spiritual Awareness and Clarity

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root cause health solutions, metaphysical trainings, & spiritual business coaching by cyndi Stewart