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As we start a new year and new beginnings, it’s the ideal time to think of our health and well-being. It’s not only physical wellness, its also the connections to emotional and soulful health as well. Many times, we skip over the progress we’ve made with our health in the last year or year over […]
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The thyroid continues to be a regular conversation online and in women’s circles. This is getting more attention because an estimated 20 million Americans have some form of thyroid disease, one woman in eight will develop a thyroid disorder and we are more educated on the symptoms of the thyroid, even when it’s undiagnosed. Another […]
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Liver Toxicity, Blood Sugar Dysregulation, Neuro Toxins and Endotoxins When diets are high in processed foods, sugar, omega 6 fats and low in fiber, the toxic bacteria grows and crosses the intestinal barrier How toxins impact us… •The body stores fat and re-program cells to become fat cells •The liver becomes insulin resistant, the pancreas […]
Dr. Cyndi P. Stewart, PhD is a Holistic Health, bioenergetic, and metaphysical practitioner helping women heal and thrive through energy healing, nutrition, and spiritual coaching.
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Cyndi P. Stewart, PhD
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