My connection to the universe, intuition and spiritual gifts were always there, but my life was filled (not fulfilled), so my journey always felt stalled. I had a job that put me away from home 2-3 weeks a month, was raising 2 daughters and trying to hold my SH..T together in-between, through relying on retail therapy and a vacation a year.
Then it happened, my physical body gave in which finally got me to pay attention. It was a long healing journey that required me to look within, and deeper than I ever imagined. I was already doing transformational work through life coaching, journal writing, taking meditative/yoga retreats and working with multiple healers. Looking back, I was just touching the surface.
I’ve come to understand, I was always “right where I was supposed to be” and now “I’m right where I am” and fulfilled. Its easy to get caught up with feeling like your behind, or wishing the journey started earlier. I actually did start this journey younger, and I had to have every experience to get me where I am today.
If you are new to your journey or have a stalled journey, learning the person you are — wherever you are – is the gift, and whenever it starts or however it start and transforms, is exactly perfect for you.
The important piece is to keep showing up!
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