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Life after 40 can be a remarkable journey filled with wisdom, self-discovery, and a deeper connection with our inner self. Find out holistic ways that you can support yourself through this phase.

Hormone Harmony Cyndi Stewart

Holistic Health

An Alternative Health Approach to Hormones After 40: Nurturing Body, Mind, and Soul

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We all have strength passed down from our ancestors, as well as our DNA, our emotions, and our tender spots. Ancestral Healing with Angels combines the powerful support and guidance of the Angels with deep healing. This level of healing releases the ties held from our ancestor line, while clearing the path forward for our […]

Angelic Reiki Cyndi Sterwart

Lifestyle and Life Coaching

Ancestry Healing with Angels: Angelic Reiki Practitioner Training

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Kinesiology is a Bio-feedback healing modality with its roots in Chinese Medicine, it is also known as reflex muscle testing. Through testing, it gets to the root of the physical, mental, emotional & spiritual blocks. The physical symptoms and emotions are moved into a circuit and cleared through Metaphysical remedies. Chakra Kinesiology The sessions are interactive. The practitioner tests the […]

Lifestyle and Life Coaching

Learn Chakra Kinesiology 

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My connection to the universe, intuition and spiritual gifts were always there, but my life was filled (not fulfilled), so my journey always felt stalled. I had a job that put me away from home 2-3 weeks a month, was raising 2 daughters and trying to hold my SH..T together in-between, through relying on retail […]

Spiritual Journey

When You Feel Like Your Journey Started Late

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Being on a transformational journey is thrilling when its inflow is aligned with our intentions and our purpose. However, at other times, it’s incredibly challenging to work through unfinished business.  We can heal ourselves through personal learning and experiences by practicing self-reflection, working with mentors or coaches, and/or serving others. Additionally, to these approaches, many […]

Holistic Health

Why we Choose to do “The Work” through Training and Courses

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Journal Writing Workshop As 2021 comes to an end, many of us are setting goals for the new year. You may reflect back on past years and remember how your goals fell off after a few weeks. That’s because when a goal is set without intention, we are not fully connected to them.  This year, […]

Spiritual Journey

Transform Your Goals Into Intentions

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Everything is energy. Including the food we eat, the thoughts we have and the emotions we feel. We have an interconnected field of energy around the physical body that is commonly known as the auric field or subtle bodies. Information, feelings, and experiences are processed through the subtle energy fields. If they aren’t attended to […]

Spiritual Journey

If Your Spiritual Journey Feels Stalled, Include The Subtle Bodies

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Our souls are on many journey’s in a lifetime, such as a spiritual journey, a career-business journey, a relationship journey and a healing journey.  “Weight loss resistance, out of all the healing journeys brings out loud and clear the Self’s.” At the beginning when starting a new food or diet plan, its self-love.  We are […]

Spiritual Journey

Weight Loss Resistance and the Spiritual Healing Journey

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As we start a new year and new beginnings, it’s the ideal time to think of our health and well-being. It’s not only physical wellness, its also the connections to emotional and soulful health as well. Many times, we skip over the progress we’ve made with our health in the last year or year over […]

Holistic Health

Create Your Own Road Map for Health, Healing and Self-Love

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root cause health solutions, metaphysical trainings, & spiritual business coaching by cyndi Stewart