Kinesiology is a Bio-feedback healing modality with its roots in Chinese Medicine, it is also known as reflex muscle testing. Through testing, it gets to the root of the physical, mental, emotional & spiritual blocks. The physical symptoms and emotions are moved into a circuit and cleared through Metaphysical remedies.
Chakra Kinesiology
The sessions are interactive. The practitioner tests the body for imbalances through different points such as the meridian points, chakras, auras, and the five elements. The practitioner shares with the client what the imbalance is and age regresses to when the body held on to it. All the imbalances and/ or stuck emotions are placed into a circuit and cleared.

“With Kinesiology, we can bypass the analytical mind, to get to the truth of what is holding the body back from moving forward.”
What does a session look like?
Chakra Kinesiology is what drew me to being a Practitioner and Trainer of Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology. When working with the Chakras, its easy to support the body on many levels and dimensions.
Chakras are energy centers or vortexes that hold emotions, thoughts, memories, and beliefs which have an impact on our sense of wellbeing. Chakra means ‘wheel of light”; they are energy centers in the body. Chakra is a word in Sanskrit. There are seven main chakras vertically located along the spine, from the base of the spine up to the crown of the head.
Chakra Kinesiology works with the 7 major chakras: Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown. It provides an expanded understanding of the chakras with an in-depth look at the physical, emotional, and spiritual properties of the entire energy system. Within Chakra healing our intuitive development is deepened, psychic abilities are enhanced, and it clears away any blockages using beautiful and powerful natural healing remedies.
The Chakras hold deep wisdom and energies and have physical, emotional and spiritual properties. The entire Chakra energy system is significant to our wellbeing and can be enhanced through balancing. Chakra Kinesiology looks thoroughly into each Chakras location, color, element, and identity. In addition, it also addresses each Chakras primary and minor issues, their unique shadow sides, senses, sound, astrology, archetypes, and planets. Knowing if one’s Chakras are over-active or under-active influences how it becomes balanced.
If you are a coach, health and wellness practitioner, yogi, lightworker, energy healer, bodyworker, and anyone interested in the spiritual and healing arts, learning Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology will give you what you are seeking and much more.
This training is so “Impactful” for….. · Your own health journey · Supporting your family · Supporting animals · Want accuracy as a health and wellness practitioner · Want to expand metaphysical offerings as energy healer, bodyworker, etc. · Are very sensitive i.e., empath and lightwork, and need to work with all naturel remedies · As a coach, provide insight on stuck energy and get your clients past limited beliefs quickly · Those seeking a career in the spiritual and healing arts and feel called to Kinesiology |
**Pre-requisite to the classes is the Kinesiology Intro Course to learn how to be proficient in muscle testing, circuit locating and circuit retaining mode with stacking and clearing.
The Intro to Kinesiology class is offered 3-4 times throughout the year
Emotions & Metaphysical Kinesiology is fun and easy to learn for yourself and others!
In the Intro class, you’ll learn how to…
- Gather all stressors i.e., memories, beliefs, emotions, etc. and place into a circuit to clear
- Expand your understanding of the body and get clarity of the root causes
- Supports your healing journey and your family’s wellbeing
- Use all-natural and metaphysical healing remedies to balance the body
- Its non-invasive, simple to learn, and a powerful technique
- You’ll be amazed by the results and accuracy
*After you complete the Intro class you can continue on to the other classes.
The Beauty of Emotions & Metaphysical Kinesiology
- All stressors i.e., memories, beliefs, emotions, etc. are placed into a circuit and cleared
- Learning Kinesiology will expand your understanding of the body
- Supports your healing journey and your family
- Use all-natural and metaphysical healing remedies in Kinesiology balances
- Its non-invasive, simple to learn, and a powerful technique
- You’ll be amazed by the results and accuracy
Participant Feedback
The training was a great environment, welcoming, beautiful, and enjoyable. I loved how the stories inside of us come together through muscle testing and there are many options for remedies. I absolutely love this course and looking forward to practicing and getting better.
Leah S., Denver
Cyndi’s way of teaching is easy to understand and makes you feel comfortable. The class is beautiful, wonderful, interactive and hands on. I love how we learn and get to practice throughout the two days. This training has been amazing to learn and far exceeds what I expected.
Joy K., Denver
This is a very powerful way to help people in their life journey & it is such a beautiful modality to learn!
Dani Poweski. Denver
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