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Create Your Own Road Map for Health, Healing and Self-Love

Holistic Health

As we start a new year and new beginnings, it’s the ideal time to think of our health and well-being. It’s not only physical wellness, its also the connections to emotional and soulful health as well.

Many times, we skip over the progress we’ve made with our health in the last year or year over year, and instead we get stuck on what we didn’t achieve. Progress includes not only feeling better, it also includes;

  • Reading books for our mind, body and soul,
  • Adding in new healthy foods to our diet,
  • Having conversations about health with others,
  • Journaling and reflection,
  • Spending time with nourishing relationships,
  • Continuing education on our health through attending workshops and health related events,
  • Updating habits that no longer serve us, or,
  • Working with a practitioner or coach.

All of these pieces are instrumental for a transformational life. Getting in the habit of listening to our bodies is a great area to focus on. For example, my body tends to talk to me through bloating, fatigue and brain fog. When I feel these symptoms, what this tells me is I need to change up my foods. I’ve probably been eating the same foods every day for sometime, and its overdue for a modification. 

Health isn’t about perfection, it’s about the journey and learning who you are, what your body needs and how it makes sense (or easiest) for you to get what you need.

If you’re ready to learn what your body, mind and soul needs in 2019, attend…

“Create Your Own Roadmap for Health, Healing and Self-Love” in Littleton, CO.

Sunday February 10, 2019 10:30-12:30. Register at:

Cost $25. Handouts provided if register-pay before Feb 9

In this workshop, you will uncover your unresolved symptoms and how these hold you back from healing on a physical, emotional and soul level. You will map your health history, figure out your digestive, liver and hormonal symptoms, the stuck emotions that are connected to these symptoms and nutrients needed to support your healing.

In the end you will have a plan that works for you to start off 2019 bringing in what your body, mind, heart, and soul needs.

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root cause health solutions, metaphysical trainings, & spiritual business coaching by cyndi Stewart