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Life after 40 can be a remarkable journey filled with wisdom, self-discovery, and a deeper connection with our inner self. Find out holistic ways that you can support yourself through this phase.

Hormone Harmony Cyndi Stewart

Holistic Health

An Alternative Health Approach to Hormones After 40: Nurturing Body, Mind, and Soul

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If you’re interested in the spiritual and healing arts and looking to expand your healing modality repertoire, let me introduce you to Applied Kinesiology. Learn how it works on emotions, clears energy blocks, and promotes chakra healing.

Holistic Health

Applied Kinesiology Benefits & Training: Introducing Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology

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Many live with constant sensitivities to food. They may experience symptoms such as bloat, gas, acid reflux, constipation, carb-sugar cravings, fatigue, brain fog, stiff joints, skin conditions, anxiety, depression and allergies, to name a few. There are multiple reasons for these reactions on a physical, emotional, and soulful level. Read below to understand why the […]

Nutritional Alchemy

Struggling with Food Sensitivities? The Healing Journey involves a Body, Mind, and Soulful level!

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Being on a transformational journey is thrilling when its inflow is aligned with our intentions and our purpose. However, at other times, it’s incredibly challenging to work through unfinished business.  We can heal ourselves through personal learning and experiences by practicing self-reflection, working with mentors or coaches, and/or serving others. Additionally, to these approaches, many […]

Holistic Health

Why we Choose to do “The Work” through Training and Courses

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Our souls are on many journey’s in a lifetime, such as a spiritual journey, a career-business journey, a relationship journey and a healing journey.  “Weight loss resistance, out of all the healing journeys brings out loud and clear the Self’s.” At the beginning when starting a new food or diet plan, its self-love.  We are […]

Spiritual Journey

Weight Loss Resistance and the Spiritual Healing Journey

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I have such a strong enthusiasm for Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) providing relief from unbearable brain fog and vertigo, as this viewpoint comes from my personal healing journey and professional training. There was a time when I struggled with unbearable brain fog, sometimes also with vertigo. I did get the diagnosis of Meniere’s disease […]

Holistic Health

Energy Medicine: End Brain Fog, Vertigo, and Leaky Brain with Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)

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As we start a new year and new beginnings, it’s the ideal time to think of our health and well-being. It’s not only physical wellness, its also the connections to emotional and soulful health as well. Many times, we skip over the progress we’ve made with our health in the last year or year over […]

Holistic Health

Create Your Own Road Map for Health, Healing and Self-Love

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I love this question, especially this time of the year when food becomes the focus of year-end ceremonies and rituals. It’s fun planning the food and wine, yet, for me, the next day when I connect with my body, my decisions don’t feel so good. For many of us, when we were growing up, having […]

Lifestyle and Life Coaching

What to know about your Spiritual Relationship with Food?

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Have you considered seeking relief for your health without the negative side effects, added toxins, and unnecessary fillers of medication? Some choose to explore alternative therapies because their condition doesn’t have a pharmaceutical option or their current traditional approach isn’t providing relief. Others just prefer a holistic health path. Whatever the reason, energy medicine is […]

Holistic Health

When to Use Energy Medicine Technologies for Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Healing

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Liver Toxicity, Blood Sugar Dysregulation, Neuro Toxins and Endotoxins When diets are high in processed foods, sugar, omega 6 fats and low in fiber, the toxic bacteria grows and crosses the intestinal barrier How toxins impact us… •The body stores fat and re-program cells to become fat cells •The liver becomes insulin resistant, the pancreas […]


The Impact of Toxins on Health And Weight

Dr. Cyndi P. Stewart, PhD is a Holistic Health, bioenergetic, and metaphysical practitioner helping women heal and thrive through energy healing, nutrition, and spiritual coaching.

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Cyndi P. Stewart, PhD

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